Workshop Zhangjiashan 247 (schedule)
Workshop on Zhangjiashan tomb 247
November 25, 2015 – 9:30 to 17:30/18:30
Organised jointly by ERC project SAW (Research Group SPHERE) and Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l’Asie orientale (CRCAO)
Venue: Paris Diderot University, Condorcet Building, Room 646 A 4 rue Elsa Morante 75013 Paris or 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet 75013 Paris
9:30–10:00 Opening remarks –Daniel Morgan and Karine Chemla (ERC project SAW and SPHERE)
10:00–11:00 Les manuscrits de la région de Jingzhou au IIe s. avant notre ère : contexte archéologique –Alain Thote (EPHE, CNRS-CRCAO, France)
11:00–12:00 Tombs and Money –Enno Giele (Universität Heidelberg, Germany)
12:00–13:00 What can you do with a Calendar? Extracting Facts, Stories, and Information otherwise pertinent to your own Field from a Table of Dates –Daniel Morgan (Sphère, CNRS & University Paris Diderot, SAW Project)
13:00–14:30 Lunch
14:30–15:30 The legal manuscripts from Zhangjiashan tomb 247 revisited –Ulrich Lau (University of Hamburg, Germany)
15:30–16:30 Legal Manuscripts from Tombs: Some Reflections on their Possible Compilation, Use and Function –Thies Staack (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
16:30–17:30 Discussion
17:30–18:30 Extra time
Zhangjiashan Workshop Schedule
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